Rocket Day!

On a sunny July day, THS decided to boldly go where only a few have gone before. Led by the wonderful Starchaser Inc. and volunteers from Hepco Motion, selected students from year 8 have spent the day learning about, building, and launching rockets.

They had to construct their very own solid motor rocket with a parachute to deploy on descent. Alongside the technical aspects of building, students also got to add colour to make the rocket their own.

Steve from Starchaser Inc. gave a fantastic talk about the physics and chemistry of rockets and rocket fuel, including some fiery bangs and flying plastic bottles. All the students listened brilliantly and asked some fantastic questions about space and spaceflight.

We then took all the amazingly designed rockets onto the field to launch them. All the rockets took flight brilliantly and deployed their parachutes on the way back to Earth, with only one ending up in a tree! Our longest recorded flight time was an impressive 26 seconds! Well done to Polly, Elicia, Hetty, and Ellie!

With help from some of our amazing year 10 STEM leaders we decided on the best designs for the rockets and accompanying posters with team Cosmos taking the 1st prize for their outstanding logo. Fantastic work Holly, Carlotta, Zeynab, and Juniper!

All in all, it was a brilliant day of learning, experimentation, and excitement which all students enjoyed. A huge thanks to Starchaser and Hepco for running the event.

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Rocket Day!

On a sunny July day, THS decided to boldly go where only a few have gone before. Led by the wonderful Starchaser Inc. and volunteers

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