Three teams of Tiverton High School students took on the 2018 Ten Tors challenge this year.
The challenge involves walking over the rough terrain of Dartmoor, visiting the ten nominated tors as checkpoints in under two days. The teams have been training for a number of months in preparation for the gruelling walk – 35 miles long for Year 9 and 10 students, and 45 miles long for Year 11 students.
Tiverton High School had three teams taking part this year. A team of Year 11s completing the 45-mile challenge, and two teams taking part in the 35-mile challenge – one of which was an all-girls team made up of students from both Years 9 and 10.
All three teams had finished the challenge by 3pm on the Sunday, a brilliant achievement for the 16 students who took part.
Leo Biles, Outdoor Education Practitioner at Tiverton High School, said: “We are extremely proud of all our students that completed this year’s Ten Tors challenge. The training programme was disrupted heavily this winter, due to the snow and heavy rains, with many training weekends rearranged and one cancelled. The conditions throughout training, which started back in October, have been predominantly cold, wet and windy.
“For many of the students this was their first season training for Ten Tors, and they have shown exceptional resilience throughout training and the event, and should be very proud of their achievements.”
Tiverton High School Headteacher, Sammy Crook, added: “Months of hard work and perseverance certainly paid off for our students taking part in Ten Tors this year, and it was a pleasure to see them complete the challenge in brilliant times, with smiles on their faces.”
Student Peggy Hookins took part in the event this year, she said: “On behalf of all the students that completed the Ten Tors Challenge 2018, we’d like to say a massive thank you to the people who got us over that finishing line after 6 months of training. There are so many amazing people who have helped us along the way, and we’re all very grateful of your continuous support. Thank you!”
Completing three years of the Ten Tors challenge was student Ben Broomfield, he said: “I would like to say thank you to everyone who has helped and volunteered over the last three years! It’s been a cracking experience for all of us and the support really does mean a lot.”