Tiverton High School


 Tiverton High School
 Bolham Road
 EX16 6SQ

 Tel: 01884 256655
 email: admin@tiverton.devon.sch.uk

 You can contact the school in many ways. It is a busy facility, so please review the information below to ensure you are directed to the right contact within the school.

Please contact accounts@tiverton.devon.sch.uk for any accounts queries.

Report an absence

Please email attendance@tiverton.devon.sch.uk to report an absence to the attendance office.

Requests for absence during term time

As from the 1st September 2013, all schools are unable to authorise any requests for absence relating to holidays in term time. This has been brought about by an amendment to the Education (Pupil Registration)(England) Regulations 2006 which has removed reference to holidays and the ten day period.

These changes reinforce the government’s view that every minute of every school day is vital and that pupils should only be granted authorised absence by the school, in exceptional circumstances e.g. illness, exclusions, or due to other unavoidable causes. This view has recently been reinforced by Ofsted who in a recently published report on a Devon school reported, “Pupils clearly enjoy being at school. However, overall attendance is no better than average and this is in part due to some pupils being taken out of school for holidays during term time by their parents, in spite of the fact that the school has a clear and published policy that makes it clear that such absence is unauthorised. This absence has an impact on pupils’ achievement. As a result, the overall judgement for behaviour and safety is good rather than outstanding”.

We would remind parents that unauthorised absences may well result in the instigation of parental responsibility measures which could be a penalty notice, or a fine of up to £2,500 and/or a term of imprisonment of up to 3 months. We hope you will support your child’s school by ensuring that your son/daughter obtains the maximum benefit from their time at school by attending punctually for the 190 days each year that the law requires, unless prevented from doing so by an unavoidable circumstances.

Download the full letter from DCC (Babcock Absence)

Download a copy of the Absence Request form (S2 Holiday Request)

Please email admin@tiverton.devon.sch.uk for general school enquiries.

School Contacts

Head – Mr James Lamb
Deputy Head – Mr Martin Atkinson
Deputy Head – Mrs Fay Crellen
Head’s PA – Mrs Meg Hepworth
Assistant Heads – Mrs Juliet Main, Mrs Nicola Lane, Mrs Rae Parker
Designated Safeguarding Lead – Mrs Carrie Morrell
Attendance Officer – Mrs Helen Head & Mr Mike O’Reilly
SENCO (Special Educational Needs) – Mrs Fay Crellen
Assistant SENCO – Miss Hannah Eaves & Mrs Ruth Roberts
Business Manager – Mrs Angela Batchelor
Accounts Officer – Mrs Kelly Woodman
Uniform Enquiries – Mrs Nicola Lane
Website/IT queries – Mr Simon Forder
Work Experience – Mrs Kate Gould
Activities Week Coordinator – Miss Laura Clarke
Marketing and Communications Manager – Miss Emily Pike

DepartmentEmail address
Design and Technologyrparker@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Maths and Statisticsabridgelasing@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Performing Artsiwright@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
PE and Sports Studiesnheeney@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Religious Studiessbartram-owen@tiverton.devon.sch.uk

For help or advice at any time before, during or after the exams series please contact the school’s Exams Manager. 

Exams Manager – Christine Li-Tester
Exams Assistant – Cathy Britton

Ask for extension 219 or contact us by email.

External Lettings – Booking of school spaces and grounds for external use


Extension 204

Partnership Office


Extension 204

What to do if you suspect a child or young person is at risk?

In order to protect people from abuse and harm it is important that everyone knows what to do if they suspect someone is being abused.

You may suspect that someone is being harmed or abused because:

  • You have general concerns about someone’s wellbeing
  • You see or hear about something which could cause abuse
  • Someone tells you something has happened or is happening to them which could be abuse.

Within school the Designated Safeguarding Lead is Carrie Morrell (Designated Safeguarding Lead) and our Deputy DSL is Kate Southcott (Family Support Worker), please feel free to contact the above staff on 01884 256655 or safeguarding@tiverton.devon.sch.uk to discuss any concerns.

If you have serious concerns about a child or young person, or if you need help parenting your child you can call 0345 155 1071 or email mashsecure@devon.gcsx.gov.uk

Out of hours please call 0845 6000 388. If it is an emergency dial 999.

Mr K Abbey-Pobeekabbey-pobee@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr M Atkinsonmatkinson@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs S Bartram-Owensbartram-owen@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Miss J Basshamjbassham@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Ms S Bennettsbennett@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr A BridglalsinghABridglalsingh@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs A BroadleyABroadley@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr G Browngbrown@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr B Burrowsbburrows@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Miss L Clarkldclark@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs B Copseybcopsey@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr J Cordonjcordon@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs L Cottrelllcottrell@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Miss B Courtney-Bowenbcourtney-bowen@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs G Coussellgcoussell@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs F Crellenfcrellen@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr M Dakinmdakin@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs S Dienessdienes@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Miss J Dillonjdillon@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Ms G Dobsongdobson@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs G Doellergdoeller@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr R Doellerrdoeller@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr S DunningSDunning@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr C Dwyercdwyer@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs E Eganeegan@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs H Eggletonheggleton@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs E FerretEFerret@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Miss A Fosterafoster@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs L Frostlfrost@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr L FryLFry@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr P Gardnerpgardner@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs K Goodekgoode@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs J Greigjgreig@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr N Hallettnhallett@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr D Hartdhart@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs I Hartihart@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Ms R Harveyrharvey@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr N Heeneynheeney@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs S HillSHill@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs R Hoskinrhoskin@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr M Humphreysmhumphreys@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs N Lanenlane@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Miss N LargeNLarge@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs L Leellee@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Dr A Lethbridgealethbridge@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs K Lethbridgeklethbridge@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs R Leworthyrleworthy@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs J Mainjmain@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs K McGeeverkmcgeever@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Miss L Mitchelllmitchell@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr S Morrellsjmorrell@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs M Mullenmmullen@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr M Naylormnaylor@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs J Odgersjodgers@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs L OsborneLOsborne@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs R Parkerrparker@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs V Parkinsonvparkinson@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs E Pitkinepitkin@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Miss L Puiglpuig@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr J PuttJPutt@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr R Puzeyrpuzey@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs S Reinesssreiness@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr D Saundersdsaunders@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs H Taylorhetaylor@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Dr A Teiermayerateiermayer@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr D Thornedthorne@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Miss J TurnerJTurner@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Ms B Walshbwalsh@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs L Webberlwebber@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs N Westacottnwestacott@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr I Wrightiwright@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr S Wright-Staintonswright-stainton@tiverton.devon.sch.uk

Tiverton Community Arts Theatre –  Theatre space hire and event information



Please note:  Tickets for TCAT shows are not available on the THS site.  Tickets can be purchased from the theatre website (with or without booking fee depending on the event) or The Busy Bee, Fore Street, Tiverton.

Head of Year 7 – Mr Joel Cordonjcordon@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Assistant Head of Year 7 – Mrs Kirsty PritchardKPritchard@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs I Hart7IHAihart@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs Lethbridge7KLklethbridge@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr D Hart & Mrs L Cottrell (Mon)7DRHdhart@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Miss L Mitchell7LMIlamitchell@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr J Putt7JKPJPutt@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr N Hallett7NGHnhallett@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs J Odgers7JMOjodgers@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr K Abbey-Pobee7KABkabbey-pobee@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr A Lethbridge7ALEalethbridge@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Head of Year 8 – Mrs Vic Parkinsonvparkinson@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Assistant Head of Year 8 – Mrs Jess JonesJJones@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr L Fry8LJFLFry@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr A Bridglalsingh & Mrs S Dienes (Mon & Wed)8ARBABridglalsingh@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs L Webber8LGWlwebber@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Miss B Courtney-Bowen & Mr N Pitfield8BCObcourtney-bowen@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs E Pitkin8EJPepitkin@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr R Puzey8RXPrpuzey@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs S Hill8SCHSHill@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs G Doeller & Ms G Coussell (Wed & Fri)8GJDgdoeller@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr G Brown8GXBGBrown@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs N Westacott & Mrs G Coussell (Thurs)8NLWnwestacott@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Head of Year 9 – Mr Simon Morrellsjmorrell@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Assistant Head of Year 9 – Mrs Becky Harrisbharris@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs L Lee9LJIllee@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs A Broadley8AXBapreece@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs K McGeever & Miss G Dobson (Wed, Thurs)9KMCkmcgeever@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs Rachel Harvey & Miss L D Clark9RLHrharvey@tiverton.devo.sch.uk
Mr M Humphreys9MZHmhumphreys@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs Helena Taylor9HEThetaylor@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs L Osborne & Miss L D Clark9LSOLOsborne@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr N Heeney9NAHnheeney@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr B Burrows & Mr M Dakin (Tues)9RJBbburrows@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Head of Year 10 – Mr Chris Dwyercdwyer@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Assistant Head of Year 10 – Mrs Trish CokerTCoker@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Miss J Bassham10JSBjbassham@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs M Mullen & Miss L Puig (Wed, Thurs)10MMmmullen@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Dr A Teiermayer10ATEateiermayer@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Miss J Dillon10JCDjdillon@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr D Saunders10DSdsaunders@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr D Thorne10DXTdthorne@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr P Gardner10PFGpgardner@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr S Wright-Stainton10SWSswright-stainton@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr T Frankham & Mrs N Large 10TRFtfrankham@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs S Bartram-Owen & Mrs K Goode (Weds, Fri)10STBsbartram-owen@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Head of Year 11 – Mrs Briony CopseyBCopsey@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Assistant Head of Year 11 – Mr Ollie SymonsOSymons@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs Reiness & Ms Walsh (Tues, Wed)11SJRsreiness@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs Bennett11RSHsbennett@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs J Greig & Mrs R Leworthy (Thurs)11JAGjgreig@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr S Dunning11SDDSDunning@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Miss J Turner11JXTJTurner@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Miss A Foster11AFOafoster@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr M Naylor 11MANmnaylor@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mrs L Frost & Mrs R Leworthy (Mon)11LZFlfrost@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
Mr I Wright11IPWiwright@tiverton.devon.sch.uk
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