A busy start for Bramble

Bramble has had a busy start to the new term. As well as visiting Mrs Osborne’s tutor group and Mrs Osborne’s year 8 English lesson, she has also met Neil Parish MP who was visiting the High School to talk about the campaign to secure funding for our proposed new school – needless to say, she was a big hit! This is what some of Mrs Osborne’s class said about having Bramble in their lesson:

“It really helps to make you feel less nervous when you’re speaking as not everyone is staring at you as they are looking at the dog.”

“I actually stood in front of the class and did my speech and I really wouldn’t have done that before. It didn’t feel like such a big deal as Bramble was chewing my shoe!”

Mrs Osborne said “I am a massive fan of having a school dog, but I have been genuinely amazed at the difference Bramble has made in the classroom. Students who struggle to focus and are easily distracted are actually MORE focused when Bramble is there, as she is such a calming influence (apart from when she tries to eat your shoe laces…).”

Neil Parish, MP, meeting Bramble and some of her fans

Bramble paid a surprise visit to Heathcoat yesterday as a reward for good attendance. She will be paying surprise visits to the classes with the best attendance all through this term.

Class 5S meeting Bramble as a reward for their excellent attendance

Bramble’s training is progressing nicely and she will be in school for 3 or 4 days a week this term. She will walk nicely on her lead and will sit and give her paw on command. It’s really very cute!

The children love her and said “It was so much find seeing Bramble. She came to our class because we had the best attendance. She was licking my hand – it was so funny! She was trying to find things to chew but she was really gentle with us. She kept trying to pick up the rubbers but we cleared them off the floor. She was good at sitting for our class photo”

“I love Bramble and I like her coming to our school.” Year 1 pupil.

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