GSCE Results Day 2024

It was lovely to see so many students and their families in school this morning to collect their GCSE results.  

As is always the case the day is filled with mixed emotions with some students achieving outstanding results and others receiving a range of grades. This year we were able to recognise the increase in grade 9 achieved by students in a variety of subjects. 

Ed S achieved the highest set of results, securing 7 x 9’s and 2 x 8’s, closely followed by Thomas C, William W and Addison C. 

Theo F, Kezia M and Tobias V were the top 3 students who made exceptional progress based on their starting points in year 7.  

We have seen a narrowing of the gap between disadvantaged students in English and Maths today and an increase in girls achieving grades 9-5 in English. 

Reflecting on the overall results of the school Sammy Crook said ‘Today is the culmination of the journey our students have been on over the past 5 years. Whilst some of the results are not what we want them to be we are proud of each and every one of our students and wish them well in their future successes. As a school we now move forward into the new academic year and focus on the students in front of us. Together with improved attendance, a clear focus on the quality of teaching and learning and high expectations we look forward to celebrating further successes with other cohorts coming up through the school’. 

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GSCE Results Day 2024

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