THS triumph in girls rugby!

On a chilly Wednesday afternoon the Tiverton High School rugby under 14s girls embarked on a challenging journey to Chulmleigh, where they faced formidable opposition in three exhilarating matches against two formidable Chulmleigh teams and one Ilfracombe side.

Undeterred by the opposition’s strength, our girls displayed unwavering determination and resilience throughout the afternoon, culminating in an impressive hat-trick of victories. Despite facing tough competition, the Tiverton team showcased exceptional teamwork, grit, and skill to secure wins in all three games.

One of the most notable aspects of the matches was the collective effort displayed by every member of the team. With everyone contributing to the scoreboard with a try, it was evident that each player played a crucial role in the team’s success. Additionally, several players demonstrated outstanding defensive prowess, executing try-saving tackles to prevent the opposition from scoring.

Among the standout performers were some of our newer players, who showcased remarkable determination and courage on the field. Notably, India displayed exceptional defensive skills, delivering bone-crunching tackles that left the opposition reeling. Meanwhile, Sophie, despite her prolonged absence from the game, proved to be the most consistent tackler, anchoring the defence with her unwavering commitment.

In recognition of their outstanding performances, the title of Player of the Match was a tightly contested affair, with Imogen K, India W, and Chloe C emerging as joint recipients. Their exceptional contributions, both in attack and defence, were instrumental in guiding the team to victory.

Special commendation is also due to all the 9 players who demonstrated exceptional skill and determination throughout the matches: Evie O, Abby P, Hannah P, Zaiya W, Imogen K, Chloe C, and India W. Additionally, we extend our appreciation to the three Year 8 players who really stepped up  and made invaluable contributions to the team’s success: Sophie T, Alicia S, and Faye A.

Overall, it was a triumphant day for the Tiverton High School rugby girls, who showcased exceptional teamwork, skill, and determination to emerge victorious in all three matches. Their performance serves as a testament to their hard work, dedication, and passion for the sport.


Year 7s (under 12s)

In what proved to be an exciting encounter, Tiverton High School’s Year 7 girls’ rugby team, comprised of Emma G, Beau W, Teigan R, Lily H, and Layla L, took on the challenge against Bideford.


Despite varying levels of experience within the team, with some girls seasoned in contact rugby and others new to the sport, the team showcased resilience and adaptability throughout the match. With insufficient players to form a complete Tiverton team, the girls graciously accepted assistance from Bideford, merging to create a united front on the field.

The match commenced with a tag format due to safety considerations, transitioning seamlessly into a modified version of rugby, affectionately dubbed ‘hugby,’ as a few players found themselves without gumshields. Nonetheless, the game progressed with enthusiasm and sportsmanship evident on both sides.

Throughout the match, players demonstrated commendable effort and determination, resulting in an abundance of tries scored for each team. However, it was Teigan R who stood out as a standout performer, earning the title of Player of the Match. Despite her lack of prior rugby experience, Teigan fearlessly embraced the challenge, displaying exceptional commitment and involvement in every aspect of the game.

Overall, the match was a testament to the spirit of camaraderie and resilience within the Tiverton High School and Bideford rugby communities. The girls showcased commendable sportsmanship and determination, embodying the values of teamwork and perseverance on the field. Player of the Match: Teigan R

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