Students at Tiverton High School have implemented an environmentally-friendly idea for single use plastic waste. Eco-bricks – plastic bottles filled with non-recyclables like crisp packets and plastic bags – will be used to build a wishing well structure in the school’s reception area. Students can drop in ideas for recycling initiatives as well as donations to theschool’s chosen ‘Interact’ charities for 2020 – the British Heart Foundation and Tiverton Adventure Playground.
The initiative was launched by the school’s Ambassador team who discussed the legacy they would like to leave behind at the school, choosing to reduce the usage of single use plastics. So far, the scheme has seen the removal of plastic bottles available to purchase in the school’s Refectory, with students being encouraged to bring in their own reusable bottles instead.
Nicola Lane, Assistant Head of student wellbeing at Tiverton High School and coordinator of the scheme, said: “The wishing well structure is currently under construction, and we are all looking forward to seeing how it will look.
“The wishing well will also act as source material for future structures, and we encourage students to share their suggestions on what the school should build next.”