Under 12 Cricket Festival

Yesterday afternoon Mr Puzey had the privilege of taking 12 year 7s to The Castle School, Taunton for a Cricket 6s tournament. For 9 of the boys, it was their first taste of ‘competitive’ cricket.

Split into Team Green and Team Orange each team played 3 games against different schools. The format required every player to bowl and bat in each game.

Team Green started off with a strong win over The Castle School, with Oliver H and Matthew S showing excellent composure with the ball in the hand. Ably supported by Jack N and Harry W in the field, they were able to take vital wickets in the last over to secure a 7 run victory. Felix C was crucial behind the stumps and Oscar W’s quick running was vital to setting a defendable target.
Team Green finished with a record of 2 wins out of 3

Team Orange also started off with a victory against Bishops Fox’s School. Charlie R bowled superbly well and Ollie I showed his skill and power with the bat to ensure a 9 run victory. Harry R was excellent in the field, showboating with direct hit run outs. Monty T showed full commitment by putting his body on line in the field (and occasionally his face). Noah L also demonstrated his skills with the bat, often finding the gaps in the field. Freddie H played an excellent role as wicket keeper, with very tidy hands and quick reactions.
Team Orange finished with a record of 1 win out of 3.

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