w/c 5 December – Year 8 potential home working

Continued disruption to school week commencing 5th December 2022

Due to a number of factors beyond our control, we continue to struggle with significant staff absence this week. This is due to a combination of long-term staff absence, general cold and flu, sickness bugs and covid.

Despite our best efforts in adapting provision in school we currently think it is wise to advice parents and carers of year 8, that if levels of staff absence continue tomorrow we will be asking them to work remotely.

All staff that teach year 8 will be covering lessons for absent colleagues and so independent work will be set for them to complete. Students working from home should log into Google Classrooms for registration and tutor time at 8:30am in the morning.

We will monitor our staff absence over the evening and from 6am tomorrow morning and if we are able to accommodate year 8 in school we will text parents and carers of year 8 by 7:30am tomorrow, 6th December 2022.

We are very sorry for this continued disruption and are doing all that we can to secure as many supply teachers as possible for the remainder of the week. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.

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