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Year 8 GCSE options and careers advice
We believe that students should experience a broad and balanced curriculum.
At THS we have a two-year option process. In the tutor lessons leading up to the option process, Year 8 students will go through the first stage of learning about what career opportunities are available to them by choosing different subjects. There will be a virtual options evening for parents/guardians and students to explain the process. Once the students start their options in September of Year 9 they will not be able to change them, therefore it’s important to get it right.
If you need to discuss this with a member of staff please see your tutor in the first instance. They will refer you for a meeting with one of the Careers team which could involve you seeing a Careers Advisor. If students do not pick an option in Year 8 they will not be able to pick it up in Year 9. Any question, please direct them to options@tiverton.devon.sch.
All students will study
- English
- Maths
- Science
- Religion and Philosophy
- Geography
- History
- Healthy Living: Physical Education
- PE or Dance
- A language
- French or German
Students will need to choose four from the following
- Performing Arts
- Drama or Music
- or Design
- Art, Food or Design Technology
- or Computing