Transition resources – Monday

Meet our librarian, Miss Pike

Our virtual bookshelf

Miss Pike has a virtual bookshelf for the THS students so here’s a link to a great online book that you can pick some stories from too.  Check the website all week and enjoy a different story everyday!

Check out Miss Pike’s virtual bookshelf here.

Transition booklet

Getting ready for secondary can be scary – it doesn’t have to be though!  Have a look through our Transition to Secondary school 2021 to help you prepare.

Around the school in 80 seconds

The site tour you’ll be having won’t be this quick but have a speedy look around by joining our Head Boy and Head Girl on a whistle-stop tour of the school – in just 80 seconds!

Latest from the news

GSCE Results Day 2024

It was lovely to see so many students and their families in school this morning to collect their GCSE results.   As is always the case

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Super STEM winners!

Last night Miss Turner had the pleasure of going to Exeter University to see Lily B and Jacob O receive their Primary Engineer Winner Awards.

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Rocket Day!

On a sunny July day, THS decided to boldly go where only a few have gone before. Led by the wonderful Starchaser Inc. and volunteers

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