Climate change protest Friday 24 May

23/05/2019 – 9:03am

Organisers of a ‘climate strike’ on 24 May have been publicising the event to students across the country, including Tiverton High School. Please be aware that if a student chooses to attend, it will be considered an unauthorised absence and will be dealt with accordingly.

However if your child has expressed an interest in attending the climate strike on Friday 24 May, then as a family you should submit an application to Mrs Crook expressing your reasons for wanting to attend the protest and to ensure we know that parents are taking responsibility for safeguarding.

The request will need to consider the following questions:

  1. What did/would you learn from attending a strike?
  2. What impact, if any, do you feel this has made or could make on the world around you?
  3. What are the main issues that cause you the most concern in relation to climate change in this country?
  4. What are the main things that you feel the government needs to change to reduce our carbon footprint and impact on the environment?

These elements, along with a note from a parent/carer granting parental permission for their son/daughter to be out of school on Friday 24 May, should be sent to no later than 8:30am on Friday 24 May.

Note: As a school we must record the absence as unauthorised, even though we may have some degree of sympathy concerning the issue at stake.

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