Transition resources – Monday

Meet our librarian, Miss Pike

Our virtual bookshelf

Miss Pike has a virtual bookshelf for the THS students so here’s a link to a great online book that you can pick some stories from too.  Check the website all week and enjoy a different story everyday!

Check out Miss Pike’s virtual bookshelf here.

Transition booklet

Getting ready for secondary can be scary – it doesn’t have to be though!  Have a look through our Transition to Secondary school 2021 to help you prepare.

Around the school in 80 seconds

The site tour you’ll be having won’t be this quick but have a speedy look around by joining our Head Boy and Head Girl on a whistle-stop tour of the school – in just 80 seconds!

Latest from the news

Super STEM winners!

Last night Miss Turner had the pleasure of going to Exeter University to see Lily B and Jacob O receive their Primary Engineer Winner Awards.

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Rocket Day!

On a sunny July day, THS decided to boldly go where only a few have gone before. Led by the wonderful Starchaser Inc. and volunteers

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